
Home Selected publications Twenty Years of The Dekaban Program at The University of Michigan and Politechnika Warszawska
Twenty Years of The Dekaban Program at The University of Michigan and Politechnika Warszawska PDF Print E-mail
dekabanNa seminarium z okazji 20 lecia programu Dekaban z naszego Zakładu prezentowane były następujące referaty:
S.Czarnecki, Edgewort-Pareto optimal trusses of least compliance
, pp.64-76, Mechanics and Materials, ed. S. Jemioło and M. Lutomirska, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw 2013
T. Łukasiak, Numerical homogenization of materials with periodic microstructure - computation of effective elastic moduli, pp-77-86, Mechanics and Materials, ed. S. Jemioło and M. Lutomirska, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw 2013
T. Sokół, Numerical approximations of exact Michell solutions using the adaptive ground atructure approach, pp. 87-98, Mechanics and Materials, ed. S. Jemioło and M. Lutomirska, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw 2013

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Home Selected publications Twenty Years of The Dekaban Program at The University of Michigan and Politechnika Warszawska
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